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Ladies & Gentlefish, Voyagers of the Void, Scientists, Scallywags, and Instruments of the Way: Is there a nameless renaissance within you? Do you strive to be the youest you?

Welcome to this strange attractor, our earnest attempt to build a world more compelling than the screen you're looking at now. This is a living research institute. We are exploring new ways of cohabitation, coordination, creation, and connection. We invite your purpose, your play, your bare soul.


We are cultivating a new scene: A network & creative cauldron for embodied genius, art, world builders/hackers, nerds, black sheep, (nature) lovers, & cultural activists. We swim in the edges of possibility, where the path from imagination to reality is short & sweet. We are pragmatic, caring, & utopian. This project is run by a non-profit association & is a decommodified space. There is generally an abundance of fun, focus, & feeling. We welcome big sexy brains. We maintain a strict standard of character here: this immersion is by application only & curated for curiosity, care, attunement, and an orientation away from identity. You're welcome to come for a week. We recommend this space as a slow travel base for longer and more intentional stays. We are 40 minutes from Porto Airport, 20 minutes from beach & waterfalls, 10-15 minutes from most civilizational need

2025 Season Calendar

Season III: The Existential Residencies, a curated co-living experiment, rolls throughout *April 29 - October 13*, with some themed weeks intertwined.

SENSORIA: The Consciousness Conclave [April 10-14] Private, external event. 𓆏 The Garden Re-Opens: Season III [April 29 - Oct 13] The Existential Residencies. Themed Residencies [Individual dates TBA] Facilitated week-long immersions, coinciding alongside the Existential Residencies. Secular Summer Solstice [June 20 - 22] Three days of aliveness. Sun Bites [Monthly throughout Summer] Farm-to-table hangs. Autumn Equinox [Sept 20] Small scale, local-centric. The Half-Life of Nós [Date TBA] Fragments of us incapsulated in time. A photography exhibition in Porto.


We would love to enhance The Garden with tasteful, permanent art installations, if you have a project you're excited to pitch, please see our Artist in Residence application.

The Garden is ephemeral, min stay one week, max 3 months. We recommend at least two weeks for a proper landing. It's a place for un(t)raveling. For focus, but not always on what you planned. For creation & connection with self, community, and nature. We're surrounded by spacious nature, and right out the back gate is hours of forested hiking.

Frequent activities include collaborative art projects, playtesting new workshop ideas, conversational salons, cuddles, karaoke, serious nerding out, foraging, contact improv & partner dancing, meditation, open mics, book clubs, board game nights, music jams, yoga, spa sessions, beach trips, social experiments, waterfall adventures, circus arts, raves, masterminds, and more. This is co-created, the world is yours.

Your Attractors & Passions: This experimental program is a co-created, multidisciplinary ecosystem.

(this is just a fun, meaningless thing to click. You are, naturally, welcome to find intrinsic meaning in your actions.)
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Amenities include a pool, sauna, private spring fed lake, established orchards and groves, 12 person hot tub, granite villa, fitness center w/ power rack, 2000 Mbps dual fiberoptic internet, embodiment space, four kitchens, sundecks & wooden platforms, big squishy dance floor, co-work zones, yoga & meditation studio, two swimming springs, jam space full of instruments & soundsystems, two aerial silks, lyra, arts & crafts zone.
Effigy at Somewhere
Effigy at Somewhere

This is an ephemeral co-living, co-created community on 9 hectares of private paradise.

As of today, our community consists of 15 team members which, together with volunteers, maintain and improve the space.

Our target is ~25-75 humans on-site at all time. We expect a slow ramp-up as the season begins. Our capacity is 150 beds in the summer, and we have hosted a 500 person gathering this year, so expect plenty of space & privacy.

Those who end up here typically range between 25-40 years of age, and all ages 18+ are welcome. We make sure there aren't too many people from any one country.

This is new. This is forming. Third season is about to take off & fourth year of the project. Some edges are still rough. Much of it is co-created. Most of the core operations are run by a local & international paid team. This will not be a perfect journey. This is life. We invite your agency & participation.
p.s. we are hiring! p.p.s. this is not a spiritual communityp.p.p.s. if you want to organize a gathering, festival, or retreat here, it's possible. We are best suited for 40-300 people.

Would you like to join the mischief? This experience is by application only. Here are our accommodation options.

Bandwidth is split to ensure stability.
Bandwidth is split to ensure stability.

We are remote work friendly & all biorhythms are welcome.

The estate was chosen for its total privacy, close proximity to Porto Airport and amenities, fiber-optic internet, and exquisite nature. While there is some fantastic infrastructure here, please understand that we are building the ship as we are sailing it & this is a paradise in progress.

We want The Garden to be a space that is socially sustainable & are exploring what the minimum viable stack of communal practices, rituals, and responsibilities are.

To get a taste of our style, here's some psychotech we are testing this year.

Authentic Unrelating
: While
you are wearing headphones or earbuds in a public space, it signals to everyone to ghost you — no eye contact, conversation, or engaging with your 'field.' Consider it an opt-in, personal Vipassana.

Or, if more words are your thing, read our vision & values metadoc & agreements.

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🖤 FAQ:

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If you made if this far, you are our kind of curious. Apply below :)
Can't make it now but want to stay in the loop? Here's the group for secret gatherings